IIT Kharagpur: Cut-off | Qualifying Marks | All India Rank

IIT Kharagpur: Cut-off | Qualifying Marks | All India Rank


The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur) is a public institute of technology research in the state of West Bengal, India. It is one of the oldest Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and one of the most sought-after IITs in the country.


The institute has a rich history and a wide range of educational opportunities. It offers a variety of Postgraduate, Undergraduate, and Doctorate courses in various fields of science, engineering, and management. 


To get admission at this institution, candidates must secure more than the IIT Kharagpur cut-off and clear the national-level competitive examinations like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, CAT, GATE, and so on. In this blog, we learn about IIT Kharagpur cut-off, admission procedure, qualifying marks, AIR, and more


What is the Cut-off at IIT Kharagpur?

After the JEE Advanced 2025 exam, the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) will be releasing the IIT Kharagpur cut-off 2025 for JEE Advanced on their official website.


After that, aspiring students can easily access the ranking distribution for each round. To help students in making a well-versed preparation to crack the JEE exam, we have listed tentative cut-off marks alongside the opening and closing ranks in the following table:


Ranks (Category-Wise) Minimum Marks in Each Subject (%) Minimum Aggregate Marks (%)
Common Rank List (CRL) 9 34
OBC-NCL Rank List 8 31
SC Rank List 4 17
Gen-EWS Rank List 8 31
ST Rank List 4 17
GEN-EWS-PwD Rank List 4 17
Common-PwD Rank List (CRL-PwD) 4 17
OBC-NCL-PwD Rank List 4 17
ST-PwD Rank List 4 17
SC-PwD Rank List 4 17


Disclaimer: Remember that since these cut-offs are decided by experts, these numerals may differ slightly from the criteria provided by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA). 


What are the Eligibility Criteria at IIT Kharagpur?

Following is the eligibility criteria one has to meet while joining IIT Kharagpur:

  • Age Limit: Candidates’ age should be between 25 years and 30 years
  • Nationality: Not only the people belonging to Indian citizenship, but also foreigners, NRIs, and PIOs can join IIT Kharagpur
  • Educational Qualification: Students should clear the Class 12 examination from a reputed institution and board with aggregate 75% marks in the Science stream (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) to become eligible for B. Tech, B. Arch, B.A, etc. admissions at IIT Kharagpur.

After fulfilling the eligibility parameters, candidates need to furnish some necessary documents. 


What is the Documentation Procedure at IIT Kharagpur?

Candidates joining IIT Kharagpur with the dream of establishing an excellent career need to present the following documents mentioned below:

  • Entrance exam report card
  • Qualifying exam marksheet
  • Transfer certificates 
  • Identity proof
  • Birth certificate
  • Coloured passport-size photos 


Which Factors Determine JEE Advanced Cut-Off 2025?

Mentioned below are the common factors determining the cut-off marks for getting into IIT Kharagpur:

  • Number of Applicants: The total number of candidates applying for admission plays an important role. A higher number of aspirants can increase the competition, potentially affecting the cut-off.
  • JEE Advanced Difficulty Level: Another notable factor affecting the cut-off for IIT Kharagpur is the difficulty of the JEE Advanced examination. If the exam appears challenging, the cut-off may change accordingly.
  • Number of Students Appeared in the Exam: The attendance and participation of aspirants in the JEE Advanced exam also contribute to the cut-off. The more students appear the more competitive will be the result, impacting the cut-off for IIT Kharagpur.
  • Category of Candidates: The classification of candidates belonging to general categories, Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), and Other Backward Classes (OBC) can significantly impact the cut-off for each group.
  • Number of Seats Available at IIT Kharagpur: In essence, this is the most crucial factor affecting the cut-off. A smaller number of seats can cause a higher cut-off owing to the increased competition.
  • JEE Advanced Cut-off Trends of the Previous Year: Assessing trends from previous years gives valuable understanding. Knowing how the cut-off has behaved over the past few years helps aspirants measure the competition level and set genuine expectations for the recent year.


Studying at a reputed college like IIT Kharagpur is indeed a dream come true for an aspiring medical student. This institution is known for its renowned faculty, all-encompassing resources, robust infrastructure, large alumni networks, and access to various skill-boosting opportunities like research projects, internships, and study overseas programs, etc. Now that you are aware of the IIT Kharagpur cut-off, you can take your preparation based on it.

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